Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mission Call!!

Yesterday I finally received my mission call! yay! It was so exciting and nerve racking! The only thing I could think of while opening was "I want to go spanish speaking!" Well my wish came true! I'm going to the Mexico City Mexico North mission. I will be leaving to the MTC on June 25th! Wow that seems like it is so far away! But I'm sure it will come lots faster than I think!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Tenni. We are so excited for you.

traceyksmith said...

Congratulations Tenni...please let us know when your farewell is because we would love to support you. We are so proud of you and the great man you have become. Not to mention you are great at losing at cards. The Smith Family

Truly and Shane said...

SO freakin AWESOME- good for you T!! I swear I pictured you going to Mexico. Oh my gosh, I even said it to everyone. You will learn that language faster than any girl or guy could in all three years of highschool. SWEET! You'll be a good missionary, I bet a million dollars people are already telling you that-- but YOU WILL-- you're a good guy!

Dang!! Who is that girlfriend of yours - She is smokin HOT! haha